EUSD Vision
Ignite the Limitless Potential of All Learners.
Dear EUSD Community,
It has been absolutely magical seeing so many of our families on campus for various events in the first two weeks of school! From Principal Chats, to PTA meetings, to Back-to-School Night, to orientations, to school socials - your presence makes a difference. That being said, we know attending everything isn't always possible and that it can be a real challenge for some families. However, technology provides some real advantages in bringing school information to you in novel ways. Some ways to stay informed:
1. This bi-weekly newsletter will feature some of the major announcements or items happening district wide.
2. Our Board Meetings are live streamed and we include a link to the agenda and calendar on the icon in the left column of the newsletter.
3. Included in one of the monthly newsletters, we will always include any relevant presentation slides from our monthly school board meetings. Today, we are happy to feature the presentations made about Summer Language Academy, Extended School Year and Summer Facilities Projects. (Please see below)
4. Our Bright Spots feature will share highlights from one of our school sites.
5. Our Instagram page highlights activities and showcases various reels.
6. Peachjar is a way to stay connected with local activities.
7. School site and staff newsletters provide the most localized source of information. I am always so impressed with the amount of information shared between home and school.
Thank you for your partnership with EUSD!
Andrée Grey, Ed.D. Superintendent
EUSD Values: Joy, Belonging, Integrity, Service and Innovation
Capri’s students showed that EUSD’s values of Joy & Belonging were coming to life in our Enrichment programs, from day one! In TRAC, students were mesmerized by the new space that teacher Lauren Campbell created, a place where our young Wellness Advocates will gain valuable skills focused on self and community.
Of note this year, our EUSD schools developed a yearly plan that provides longer blocks of lesson time for each STEM and VAPA class, to allow for greater depth of learning and student growth. In STEM teacher Ilene Cooper’s classroom, Capri students were already testing and designing, showcasing their unlimited potential as Innovative Thinkers and Confident Collaborators. Their work is guided by the Project Lead the Way curriculum - chosen for its emphasis on hands-on learning and real-world problem solving.
Art teacher Arielle Lacob is using The Art of Education University's FLEX curriculum to design art lessons that grow student passions, interests, and expertise in art. In addition, as Global Citizens in our DLI school, students are learning about art history around the world and making connections to their own backgrounds/cultures.
And in P.E./Yoga teacher Craig Williams’ class, students are jumping into lessons driven by P.E. and SEL standards, creating an environment where the growth and strength of the whole child is developed!
Mira Costa College is offering a FREE course at Paul Ecke Central for any EUSD parents who are learning English as a second language! You can either enroll online before attending at surf.miracosta.edu or just come to class and someone from Mira Costa will help you enroll that day.
You can either enroll for the current 8/19 - 10/12 block, the 10/21 - 12/14 block, or both! Classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:50 at Paul Ecke Central and online. Although the first block has already started, you can still enroll and attend!
In partnership with the San Diego County District Attorney's Office, we invite you to attend this year's first Parent Information Night.
Join us at ECC on September 11th to hear District Attorney Brooke Tafreshi present on Human Trafficking & Internet Safety Awareness. It's free and open to all EUSD parents. Childcare and translation will be provided.
The Special Education Parent Council is hosting a EUSD Family Picnic event on September 15th. Bring your whole family for an afternoon of fun!
Come to Flora Vista from 12-2 pm for free ice cream, activities, and more!
Students participated in their first Enrichment Wheel rotations! Enrichment gives students an opportunity to experience a variety of learning activities each week in STEM, P.E./Yoga, Art, Music, TRAC, and Nutrition/Garden. EUSD is pleased to report that over the summer, Administrative Services worked hard to ensure that Enrichment is 100% staffed for the year! These teachers are experts in their respective fields, providing students with an even deeper knowledge and understanding of these subjects. The District also invested in new curriculum for each Enrichment class to provide students with top-notch, innovative, creative, and hands-on instruction. It's going to be a fantastic year!
The new digital Back-To-School Packets are now available on the district website. Detailed instructions are outlined on the webpage linked below.